Photographing the Nude: A day in Kevin Canada’s studio
Whether your interest is in the light and form of fine art figure studies…the personal interpretation of a personality in the form of a naked portrait…or the style and edginess of the “new fashion photography”…this day in the studio is about you with your camera in hand, working one-on-one with some great nude models shooting the kind of images you’ve always wanted to shoot.
I am hesitant to call this a workshop. What it really is — is you getting to shoot 3 great models in 3 different sets in my studio using the lighting I use (or any lighting set up you wish). If you need help or have any questions I am there to give you a hand. I am happy to share my personal inspirations, approaches and techniques if you wish.
How it works:
This is a very small workshop with only 6 photographers. Over a 6-hour day in the studio, the models will be in front of your camera for 3 hours — that is 3 hours of REAL shooting time. As everything is set up, you can walk into a set and start shooting. No need to set up lighting, sort out the right exposure and wait for the models. This session takes all the work out of setting up a great photo shoot.
You will also have access that day to all my props and outfits – I have built an extensive collection over the years, which I only use occasionally – but its great when a good idea strikes me.
The day:
12:00 start time:
You show up, meet the models and the other photographers over a coffee, and have an initial discussion while giving the models time to get ready.
You pair up with another like-minded photographer and a model and your first set for the day. Some of you may wish to work with the model alone on the set and some of you may wish to have the other photographer help.
The way I see this working is: photographer “A” works with the model for a half hour in the set as it was designed and then photographer “B” does the same. At that point if you wish to change the set, models styling, light whatever, you can do this — and then shoot that same model again for a half hour each. Your downtime is a chance for you to ask me any questions about anything you wish, have me review your images and give you tips and feedback (or not). Or just use this time to plan and think about your next “look.”
12:30-2:30 – first model on your first set
2:30-till 2:45 – model break
2:45 -till 4:45 – 2nd model on 2nd set
4:45-till 5:00 – model break
5:00 till 7: 00 – 3rd model on 3rd set
7:00 Miller time!
You’re invited to stay after the day’s shooting to have a beer and chat with me and the other photographers. The goal is for everyone to have a great day of shooting and camaraderie if you are so inclined.
Who should Attend? Previous experience in the studio or working with models is NOT REQUIRED for this “workshop/day in the studio”. In fact because you are walking into a pre-set-up set, you can just set your camera to what I have designed the set for and start shooting. The only thing I ask you to bring (besides your camera) is a respect for your fellow workshop attendees and the models. We’ll shoot extensively on the day, so make sure to bring enough batteries and memory cards!
Why you should Attend? You will be able to fully envelop yourself in fine art nude photography within a small group in full studio location. At the end of this experience, you will walk away with fantastic memories and a wealth of ideas and inspirations for new projects, but most importantly, you will also have many new images from your time in the workshop.
Some of the key points about the workshop
Models – We will be shooting with experienced models, one model for every two photographers. We are pleased to have an outstanding line-up of models who each have their own unique look and style. Working with such quality and experienced models allows for creative collaboration throughout your photographic exploration. The models I have picked for us are use to collaboration. But even if this is your first time working with models their experience in posing and working in the nude will make for a great shooting opportunity.
You shoot – With all three models, and get to shoot on all of the sets that will be set up in the studio. With time to work with models on your own or in pairs, you won’t be squeezed in the crowd around one model trying to get a shot. And you won’t find yourself standing around watching demos while your camera sits in the bag.
Personal attention – With a limit of 6 photographers per workshop shooting day each participant gets personal attention, including time to discuss and develop ideas with expert guidance.
Lighting we will use on the day.
-Natural light with reflectors,
-Ring flash and Ring flash with modifiers,
-Large soft box
-Beauty dish with modifiers.
-Anything else I have in the studio you wish to work with.
This is a great chance for you to play with lighting you may have not used before or always wished to try.
Your Host
Kevin Canada is an award-winning “fine art nude” and “fashion style portrait” photographer based here in Calgary. Kevin has over 35 years experience as a professional photographer, has shot hundreds of models, and has many awards in nude fine art competitions. His work has been published in many magazines and websites around the world, and is one of only 50 photographers world-wide to be chosen to be featured in the upcoming book “The Mammoth Book of Erotic Photography.”
The Studio
My studio is in a 100 year old two story old house. It has many rooms and great areas to shoot in. The sets will be set up in three different rooms giving you the chance to play with the different looks of each. You will also have the use of stair case,halls,anyplace really that you find a great area to shoot in. What my studio lacks is one giant space. Like a warehouse studio has. And yes sometimes I wish I had a room with 20 foot ceilings. What is great about this workshop is you will learn the lighting and tricks I us to shoot in spaces very much like what most of you have at home. The hundreds of images on my web site have ALL be shot in this old house so as you can see the possibilities are end less.
Beginner/Intermediate/Professional. Must be comfortable with personal camera operation.
Maximum of only 6 participants.
Equipment Needed:
Bring your camera (must have manual controls) and at least 1 lens. Optional: additional lenses, and tripod.
Cost: $295.00 Canadian
Dates for Workshops
Sunday- June 28th noon till 7:00 in my Calgary studio
Payment by Bank E-transfer